7 Down, 43 to Go: Take Good Care of the Garden and the Dogs

7 books read toward my goal of 50 Books in 2012.  This was another book that brought tears to my eyes!  I promise that the next read will be more uplifting!

Take Good Care of the Garden and the Dogs:  A True Story of Bad Breaks and Small Miracles by Heather Lende is Lende’s story of recovering after she was hit by a truck (more on that in a moment), caring for ailing neighbors, losing her mother to leukemia, and also taking a step back to enjoy the small, yet important things in life.

Source: workman.com

Lende was quite literally run over by a truck.  She was riding her bike in Haines, Alaska, on a bright, sunny day when a driver did not see her, and ran over her torso.  Because of her overall good health and physical strength, she survived and was able to recover.  However, it wasn’t easy.  She was flown to Seattle and had to live in a nursing home until she was well enough to fly back to Alaska.

Throughout the book a cast of townspeople are introduced–there’s Fireman Al who is the volunteer fireman and responds to literally every call in Haines and the medical relief worker who rallied a team to go to Indonesia after the tsunami. There are two very touching parts of the book:  1– Lende describing spending days with her daughter while they make jam–riding their bikes (this is post-accident), picking berries all over town, and working side-by-side in the kitchen cooking and canning; and 2–Lende spending time with her mother as she battles leukemia.  Grab a tissue–the title of the book actually comes from a note that her mother wrote in the hospital shortly before passing away.

I have never been to Alaska and do not know a great deal about the state, however, Lende’s book made a small Alaska town come to life–the people, nature, customs, traditions.

While this book is not the feel-good-book-of-the-year, it is worth reading.  It reminded me to be thankful for everyday, good health, family, friends, and the little things in life.

Currently I’m reading Start Something that Matters by TOMS founder Blake Mycoskie.  I have to read it for work, so I’ll mutli-task and read for the blog, too!

Question: Have you been to Alaska?