Friday Funnies – 3/9/12

Happy Friday.  Just a few funnies to share with you today…

1.  Only in Wisconsin–The state Senate voted unanimously Wednesday (3/7/12) on a joint resolution to honor entrepreneur Ralph Bruno and his hat-making employees at Foamation Inc.  Can you guess the hats made at Foamation?  I’ll give you two clues:  Wisconsin and Cheese.


These goofy foam hats and accessories bring in revenue of over $1M/year.  Amazing.  And the product line has expanded to include:

Barbie Cheesehead

Cheesehead Earmuffs

You can Meet Ralph Bruno and read a Q&A about the origin of the Cheesehead online.
(Photos from
2.  Funny Exams–This website is a collection of funny answers to test questions.

This student did technically answer the question.

This could be argued as correct!

3.  Princess Kate isn’t the only one who can rock a hard-hat…
 Send me your jokes and links to funny things I can share on the blog!
Have a great weekend and don’t forget that Sunday is Daylight Savings time in the U.S. which means it’s time to Spring Forward.